There are many ways you can keep your computer running fast and smooth. Here are some important actions you can take to restore your computer’s performance.
Consider doing a spring cleaning. Many times, as you delete unused programs or perform updates, the removal leaves fragments and unassociated files, software components that can bog down your computer and lead to crashes and overuse of systems resources. Clearing off unwanted or unnecessary programs, bloatware, fragments, and components is a key part of keeping your computer in tip-top running order.
Protecting your computer from viruses and attacks is essential. There are many programs, websites and email traps that load malware onto your computer. The malware can hide in a place that gets loaded at start-up and run in the background slowing your computer and making it unsafe to use. Keyloggers, a form of malware, records your every keystroke. Online sessions can transmit your login and passwords to thieves who use it themselves or sell your information on the dark web.
RootKit viruses, another form of malware, hides itself deep inside your computer. It slows performance by eating up systems resources in the background. It will remain undetectable to you until it begins to cause devastation to your important computer files and programs.
Ransomware is when an attacker encrypts data on your computer rendering it useless unless you have the decryption key. The attacker then makes you pay them (usually in bitcoin) in order to decrypt your data. Very often they do not send the decryption key even after you’ve paid their ransom The best defense against losing all your data is to always make sure that all of your current information is backed up.
There are tens of thousands of new threats every day! Make sure you’re protected… contact Clarkstown Computer today so that we can evaluate your protection and take steps to mitigate any damage that may occur.
Check your hard drive space.
Computer performance is affected by the amount of free space available on your hard drive. As the hard drive becomes occupied, access, reading, and writing to the drive slows considerably. Consider freeing up space by buying an external hard drive, SSD or backup cloud solution to offload files that you seldom use.
If you’re experiencing computer performance issues, get in touch with one of the experts at Or call 914-264-6300. We can get your computer running like the day you bought it. PC Repair Quote